This little script will read in a SQL file and return to you
the SQL_ID and HASH_VALUE of a statement without running it. It uses DBMS_SQL_TRANSLATOR.SQL_ID and
.SQL_HASH to get these values. The
tricky part was to make sure the file is in the same format as what the optimization
process uses when computing these values.
Key is that the file is in UNIX format, meaning there is only a linefeed
at the end of each line. Also the
optimizer strips out trailing spaces or tabs (white space) before calculating
these values as well.
It was this second one that took me awhile to figure out. I didn’t know at first that the optimizer was
doing this. Once I knew what was going
on it was rather simple to fix. (Isn’t
that always the case? It’s finding the
real problem that is the problem!) My
solution is rather brute force, but I didn’t want to truly “parse” the
statement, as in go thru it character by character. So I instead just look for a space or tab with
a line feed after it, if there is at least one of either I replace “both” thru
out the entire CLOB. Like I said not eloquent
but it gets the job done. Part of the
issue was I also had to leave the spacing alone inside a line. The optimizer only strips off the white space
at the end of the line, not within the line.
The PL/SQL engine is different; it reduces ALL white space
to a single space and removes all line feeds.
Hence it turns your SQL statement into one long string. But it does all this before it sends the SQL
to the optimizer. I’m not trying to
mimic the PL/SQL engine with this script.
So here it is. If
your find any flaws with this please let me know. I’ve tested it on several statements and on
UNIX and Windows, so far it has been correct with each test. If you like this and use this please keep the
header information to give me credit for it is all I ask. Thanks!
For those who were at the Great Lakes Oracle Conference this
week, #GLOC15, here is the working version I told you I was still working on in
my session about execution plans.
-- File name hgetsqlid.sql
-- Get the SQLID/HASH for a SQL statement in
a file
-- The file must contain only ONE SQL
-- The Directory
"SQL_FILE_LOCATION" must be defined
-- This is the location where this will read
the file from
-- Example
SQL_FILE_LOCATION AS '/home/oracle/OP';
-- The file MUST end with a "/" on
last line
-- Exmple
-- Select * from emp
-- /
-- May 2015 RVD initial coding
set termout on
set tab off
set verify off
set serveroutput on
column directory_path format a100 wrap
prompt Current setting of SQL_FILE_LOCATION:
select directory_path from dba_directories
where directory_name = 'SQL_FILE_LOCATION';
accept hgetsqlid_file prompt 'Enter the full
file name (with extension): '
v_bfile BFILE;
v_clob CLOB;
v_sqlid VARCHAR2(13);
v_sqlhash number;
v_slash integer;
e_noslash exception;
v_bfile := BFILENAME ('SQL_FILE_LOCATION', '&hgetsqlid_file');
DBMS_LOB.OPEN (v_bfile);
DBMS_LOB.LOADFROMFILE (v_clob, v_bfile, DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH (v_bfile));
DBMS_LOB.CLOSE (v_bfile);
-- remove all carrage returns (ASCII 13) from the clob
-- each line must end with only a line feed (ASCII 10)
v_clob := replace(v_clob, CHR(13) , '');
-- remove any trailing spaces or tabs (ASCII 9)
while DBMS_LOB.INSTR (v_clob, ' '||CHR(10)) > 0 or
DBMS_LOB.INSTR (v_clob, CHR(9)||CHR(10)) > 0
v_clob := replace(v_clob, ' '||CHR(10), CHR(10));
v_clob := replace(v_clob, CHR(9)||CHR(10), CHR(10));
end loop;
-- Find the / at the end of the file
v_slash := DBMS_LOB.INSTR (v_clob,'/');
IF v_slash = 0 THEN RAISE e_noslash; END IF;
-- remove the line with the slash and everything after it
DBMS_LOB.TRIM (v_clob,v_slash-2);
v_sqlid := DBMS_SQL_TRANSLATOR.SQL_ID (v_clob);
v_sqlhash :=
dbms_output.put_line ('*************************');
dbms_output.put_line ('The SQL ID is '||v_sqlid);
dbms_output.put_line ('Hash value is '||v_sqlhash);
dbms_output.put_line ('*************************');
dbms_output.put_line ('** File not found **');
when e_noslash then
dbms_output.put_line ('-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-');
dbms_output.put_line ('Slash not found!');
dbms_output.put_line ('-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-');
Here is an example:
SQL> get sqlid_test.sql
1 SELECT e.employee_id,
e.last_name, j.job_title, d.department_name
2 FROM employees e, jobs j, departments d
3 WHERE e.department_id IN
4 AND j.job_id = e.job_id
5 AND e.department_id =
6 ORDER BY e.last_name
7* /
SQL> @hgetsqlid
Current setting of SQL_FILE_LOCATION:
Enter the full file name (with extension):
The SQL ID is ap3yukgck02pd
Hash value is 3642755757
SQL> select sql_id, hash_value from v$sql
where sql_text like 'SELECT e.employee_id, e.last_name,%';
------------- ---------------
ap3yukgck02pd 3642755757
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